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10 Kinds of Food That Could Harm Your Dogs

Oct 23, 2022 by Rajat

Dogs are man's best friend and deserve the best of everything, including food. But what about food that could harm them? Check out these 10 kinds of food that can potentially lead to health problems for your dog.

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Foods That Could Harm Your Dog's Health

One of the most common things people do wrong when caring for their dogs is feeding them unhealthy food. Many foods meant for humans can be harmful to dogs and even deadly.

Some of the most common foods that can harm a dog's health are:

1- Fried Foods:

These foods are often high in fat and calories, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems in dogs. Fried foods also usually contain chemicals that can harm dogs' respiratory systems.

2- Salty Foods:

Too much salt in a dog's diet can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, and other health problems. Dogs also have a hard time digesting salt, which can lead to water retention and other health problems.

3- Chocolate:

One of the most common types of food that can be toxic to dogs is chocolate. Chocolate contains a compound called Theobromine which can be harmful to dogs. Dogs can become ill after eating chocolate, even if they don't overeat it. Symptoms of chocolate toxicity in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures, and even death.

4- Raisins, onions, and grapes:

Other kinds of food that can be harmful to dogs include grapes, raisins, and onions. Grapes and raisins contain a compound called hydrocyanic acid, which can poison dogs. Onion contains sulfites which can also be poisonous to dogs. Symptoms of onion toxicity in dogs include drooling, panting, vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures.

If you think your dog has eaten something that may have been toxic to them, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. If the toxicity is severe, your dog may require treatment with antibiotics or a special diet.

5- Dairy products:

Another food that can harm your dog is dairy products. Dairy products contain calcium, which can build up your dog's system. It can lead to kidney stones, bladder problems, and even heart disease.

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6- Alcohol:

Alcohol is as detrimental to a dog's health as it is to a human. The point to note here is that even a tiny amount of alcohol can be fatal to your dog. It can cause vomiting, depression, diarrhea, coma, shortness of breath, mental disorientation, problems in the nervous system, and even death. Avoid alcohol entirely in your dog's diet.

7- Macadamia nuts:

It is another example of a food that is excellent for humans but may cause severe damage to your dog's health. Otherwise, it can wreak havoc on a dog as an excellent source of dietary fiber for humans. Even a small quantity of 2.4 grams/kg can be enough to cause serious health problems in a dog. It can cause erratic heartbeat, fever, vomiting, muscular spasms, paralysis of the hindquarters, and severe weakness in dogs. So, never feed your dogs these nuts.

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8- Pits and seeds:

While feeding fruits to your furry friend, always take care and remove the seeds and pits from the fruit pulp. They can get stuck in the digestive tract and cause hindrance there. Also, some seeds contain cyanide, which can harm the dog's health if consumed. Plums and peaches' seeds have cyanide, so don't forget to remove the seeds should you decide to feed them to your dog.

9- Raw eggs:

Eggs are full of nutrients that are beneficial to your dog. But only if it is cooked well. If you choose to feed the dog raw eggs, it can be toxic to the poor animal. The reason is an enzyme called avidin found in eggs. If consumed raw, this enzyme will hinder the assimilation of Vitamin B, especially biotin, in the body. It can cause a deficiency of biotin in the body, leading to other health complications like indigestion, unhealthy coat, skin issues, and more. Raw eggs also contain salmonella, which is deadly for dogs.

10- Yeast:

Yeast will rise in your dog's stomach and cause it to expand. It can be very painful to the animal and produce extreme pain in the stomach. It will also bloat it. The fermentation by the yeast inside the stomach may cause alcohol poisoning. So, yeast is a double-edged sword for your dog and will cause multiple health problems to your dog after consumption.

These are some of the foods that can prove fatal to your beloved dog. Always take care not to serve them to your dog and serve a healthy diet to him.

Get a portrait of your dog:

A furryroyal portrait drawing of animals is one way of making the memory of your pet eternal. You can get your animal portrait drawing made from furryroyal.com. They are drawing animal portraits artistically to make them appear more artistic. Get in touch with them for a beautiful furryroyal portrait drawing animal.


That is all for some simple-looking food that can be very dangerous for your dogs. Take care never to let your furry friend indulge in them. Even a small portion can be deadly to them.

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